60 Second Portrait Challenge
March 6, 2018
I'm always looking for ways to challenge myself, so I teamed up with Texas Portrait photographer Francisco Hernandez and Michigan Wedding Photographer Robert Hall, for this 60 second challenge on the Las Vegas strip. We each approached 3 random strangers and did a 60 second photo shoot with them. The challenging part was making these people feel comfortable
and relaxed in front of the camera. We're strangers, they didn't wake up planning on having their photo taken, and some
probably never been in front of a camera before.... well, "some" lol.
I'm very proficient in the technical aspect of photography, so I decided to focus on communicating with my subjects and making
a connection with them. I tried to bring my humour and personality out in these shots, and what that did was bring out the
personality in my subjects. These are things that go through my mind when I'm shooting a wedding, and I feel it's super important
to master these qualities.
First up were Kevin and Anthony.
Kevin and Anthony
They were walking towards me, and most people would be intimidated by these guys. On the outside they appeared rough and
tough, some may mistake them for gang members. I thought they looked like Cypress Hill's entourage. But I'm a big Cypress Hill
fan so they didn't scare me. I initiated conversation with them, made some jokes, and they agreed to having their photograph
taken. I wanted to go for a "Rapper" look, so I had them back to back, and then arms crossed.
Next up was Melissa. I saw her approaching my direction, we made eye contact, she smiled, and I liked her vibe. She agreed
to the shoot, but informed me that she had a black eye after removing her sunglasses. "OWWWWWW!" I yelled. Even though
she had a black eye, I still got a good vibe from her, and didn't let that stop me. She agreed and I could tell she felt comfortable.
She knew how to pose, knew her angles which helped a lot.
But we weren't done with Melissa yet, her friend (who's birthday it was) jumped in for a few shots as well. Melissa then felt comfortable enough to take off her sunglasses, and I got some great shots of them two.

Khalil - First shot
It was pretty evident that this man was no stranger to the camera. Just the way he posed, he knew what to do with his hands and
legs, needed no direction. I'm thinking he might be signed to a modelling agency, or perhaps an R&B singer. Who knows? And
the first shot I popped off was the winner. I was ready to pack up and leave after that. Such a powerful shot, and Rob mentioned
how the chair I found matched his pants. Total fluke, I admit lol.
I then ended off with Khalil. Now many people thought I paid him to be there, or that I secretly planned for him to show up, as he
was dressed well, had that model look, and killed it in front of the camera.
So those were my 3 strangers. I had a lot of fun. I'm naturally a social guy, but this challenge helped strengthen my social skills, which will help my subjects relax in front of the camera, thus resulting in stunning, natural, candid images.
Here are some of my fav images from Rob and Francisco.
Francisco Hernandez - @fjhphoto

These guys are such huge inspiration to me. Be sure to check out their videos as well. Let me know who you liked the best. Leave some comments and feel free to share this.
Rob Hall's Video - https://youtu.be/Sjh6AsgGrvw
Francisco Hernandez's Video - http://bit.ly/2FqRqHr
Jason Vong (Cinematography) Youtube: http://bit.ly/2G16jOF
Omer Khan (Cinematography) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/exo2045
Tags portraits, 60 second challenge, photo challenge, portrait photographer, toronto wedding photographer, vlog, portrait challenge, francisco hernandez, robert hall, derrel ho-shing
ROB HALL - @robhallphoto
In this video, I'll take you behind the scenes on an engagement shoot at Albion Falls in Hamilton Ontario Canada. I use both
natural light and off camera flash. The sun was directly above and harsh, so I shot in the shade and used some flash to add
drama and combat the harsh shadows.
Tags engagement, engagement photos, engagement shoot, toronto wedding photographer, albion falls, waterfalls, bride,
groom, toronto wedding, hamilton wedding photographer, hamilton wedding
Albion Falls Engagement Shoot
November 11, 2017
A Behind the Scenes DESTINATION WEDDING with me
October 31, 2017
This is a 3 part video where I take you behind the scenes on a destination wedding in Jamaica at The Grand Palladium Resort.
You'll get a look at what my life is like when I shoot a destination wedding, and you'll also get a feel of what it's like to work with
me. Hope you guys like the VLOG.
Leave some comments and let me know what you thought.
Cheers guys.
2.5D Parallax Photo Animation
September 2, 2016
Check out my first 2.5D Parallax photos, because 2 dimensional is boring. What is a 2.5D Parallax??? It's basically taking a single 2 dimensional image, and creating motion and adding dimension. It's not quite 3D, so it's 2.5D.
Make sure you watch in HD (I mean, why wouldn't you?), and let me know what you think. Pretty cool huh?
Which image is your fav?